Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Self Care Sunday

Happy Easter everyone! And welcome to my first Self Care Sunday post.

I just graduated with a degree in social work and every one of my professors over the last few years spent at least one class sessions talking about the importance of self care. This is especially vital for those of us in the helping professions but everyone and anyone can benefit from taking better care of themselves and putting themselves first every once in awhile!

Through these posts I plan on exploring various ways to treat and love yourself but today we will start with an easy task!

Make a list of 5 things you can treat yourself to for $5 or less! 

I know I frequently feel like the answer to my problems is shopping. However, this is rarely the case and when I stress shop I end up with a bad case of buyers remorse...Making the stress even worse! So having a game plan and deciding on a few ways to treat yourself without breaking the bank can really make a big difference. Write it on a sticky note. Keep it in your purse. Program it into your phone. Just make sure you see it and can easily reference it when you feel that urge to stress shop.

A few of my ideas: 

  1. A new paperback or Kindle deal book
  2. Five uplifting songs off of iTunes
  3. A Starbucks pick-me-up
  4. A cute card to send to a distant friend (or to journal on and stick in my notebook)
  5. Relaxing bubble bath and/or lotion 

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